Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Blog Title

Hearing that a friend and coworker, someone who should have been the best man at my wedding(which is a whole other story that may never be covered here or anywhere in print of orally) has been keeping a blog on blogspot with his new girlfriend, I decided to come to blogspot and check out the status of my ignored posts, obsolete blogs and extraneous word smithing.

The two blogs that should be here are gone, google did however automatically log me in to a blog, with a title of "Feigned Delightful Panic". This combination of adjectives and nouns is comically clever to me for some reason. Extra interesting is the fact that I don't remember ever being that clever; if I was that clever at some point good for me.

I have to admit that the title inspired me to write something here, because this is just tool cool a blog title to go without something behind it. It is certain that I may not do it justice, this attempt may grow to something else and become worthy.

Have you, my dearest reader ever done something like that? In my experiance I have written code for things for school and my job, upon going back after forgetting that I wrote said computer code, I found that something was very clever and elegant and above what my current mindstate was able to accomplish. Who is this talented clever person that goes back over my work and improves it? Does that sort of thing happen to everyone? It is one of the best surprises, to be startled by such a job well done. In my current overly caffinated state, I can neither write cohesivly, or keep my attention on this entry.

Lets just hope there is one turn of the phrase in here that will be as neat to read down the road as the blog title itself.

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